In 2019, families who called Spark Santaline to leave a message for Santa were greeted with a request from Jelly, one of Santa’s elves who has misplaced the ‘Naughty and Nice’ list for New Zealand. Without this list, Kiwi Christmas was in jeopardy… This is where New Zealand came in.
Through a four week interactive pick-a-path adventure, Santaline callers worked with Jelly to find the missing list and save Christmas. Every decision personalised the outcome of the call, making every child the hero of their story. The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) story was created in collaboration with iconic New Zealand children’s book author, Kyle Mewburn (‘Kiss! Kiss! Yuck! Yuck!’, ‘Old Hu-Hu’, ‘Duck’s Stuck’).
We turned up in social and OOH, with the challenge of standing out at such a busy time of the year. Teaming up with illustrator Pablo Espinosa to create the character of jelly and the world they live in, meant we were able to create a visual style that really stood out.